Borge ring biography books

Jorge Luis Borges bibliography

Spanish titleEnglish titleOriginal delivery The Maker (1960) "El hacedor" "The Maker" La Biblioteca v.9, 2da ép., no. 3. 1958 "Dreamtigers" "Dreamtigers" Crítica no. 58. 15 September 1934 "Diálogo sobre un diálogo" "A Talking About a Dialog" Destiempo v.1, inept. 1. October 1936 "Las uñas" "Toenails" Crítica no. 58. 15 September 1934 "Los espejos velados" "Covered Mirrors" Crítica no. 58. 15 September 1934 "Argumentum ornithologicum" "Argumentum Ornithologicum" El Hacedor. Emecé Editores, Buenos Aires, 1960 "El cautivo" "The Captive" La Biblioteca v.9, 2da ép., no. 1. January 1957 "El simulacro" "The Mountebank" La Biblioteca v.9, 2da ép., no. 1. January 1957 "Delia Elena San Marco" "Delia Elena San Marco" Davar no. 50. Buenos Aires, January 1954 "Diálogo de muertos" "A Dialog Between Dead Men" La Biblioteca v. 9, 2da ép., clumsy. 2. April 1957 "La trama" "The Plot" La Biblioteca v. 9, 2da ép., no. 2. April 1957 "Un problema" "A Problem" La Biblioteca definitely. 9, 2da ép., no. 2. Apr 1957 "Una rosa amarilla" "The Rueful Rose" El Hogar 52.2409, 20 Jan 1956 "El testigo" "The Witness" Sur no. 247. July 1957 "Martín Fierro" "Martín Fierro" Sur no. 247. July 1957 "Mutaciones" "Mutations" Sur no. 228. May-June 1954 "Parábola de Cervantes bent del Quijote" "Parable of Cervantes stake the Quixote" Sur no. 233. Go on foot 1955 "Paradiso XXXI, 108" "Paradiso Xxx, 108" Sur no. 231. November 1954 "Parábola del palacio" "Parable of picture Palace" Sur no. 243. November 1956 "Everything and nothing" "Everything and Nothing" Versión no. 1. Mendoza, Autumn 1958 "Ragnarök" "Ragnarök" Sur no. 257. Go by shanks`s pony 1959 "Inferno, I, 32" "Inferno, Frantic, 32" Ciclón v. 1, no. 3. Havana, May 1955 "Borges y yo" "Borges and I" La Biblioteca v.9, 2da ép., no. 1. January 1957 "In Memoriam J.F.K." "In Memoriam J.F.K." El Hacedor, 1967, Fourth edition The Other, the Same (1969) "El Puñal" "The Dagger" Marcha, Mondevideo, Jan 1954 In Praise of Darkness (1969) "The Unending Gift" "The Everlasting Gift" La Nación, 11 February 1968 "Mayo 20, 1928" "May 20, 1928" Sur, 316-317, January-April 1969 "El Etnógrafo" "The Anthropologist" 1969 "Pedro Salvadores" "Pedro Salvadores" 1969 "Los Gauchos" “The Gauchos" La Nación, 16 August 1969 "Buenos Aires" "Buenos Aires" 1969 "Fragmentos Prevent Un Evangelio Apócrifo" “Fragments from insinuation Apocryphal Gospel" 1969 "Leyenda" "Legend" 1969 "Una Oración" “A Prayer" 1969 “His End And His Beginning" “His Prevail on And His Beginning" 1969 Doctor Brodie's Report (1970) "La intrusa" "The Interloper" Sixth edition of El Aleph. Emecé, Buenos Aires, 1966 "El indigno" "Unworthy" Brodie's Report. August 1970 "Historia de Rosendo Juárez" "The Story use up Rosendo Juárez" La Nación. 9 Nov 1969 "El encuentro" "The Encounter" La Prensa. Buenos Aires, 5 October 1969 "Juan Muraña" "Juan Muraña" La Prensa. Buenos Aires, March 1970 "La señora mayor" "The Elderly Lady" Brodie's Write-up. August 1970 "El duelo" "The Duel" Brodie's Report. August 1970 "El otro duelo" "The Other Duel" Los Libros. August 1970 "Guayaquil" "Guayaquil" Periscopio, 1.46, 4 August 1970 "El evangelio según Marcos" "The Gospel According to Mark" La Nación. Buenos Aires, 2 Sedate 1969 "El informe de Brodie" "Brodie's Report" Brodie's Report. August 1970 The Gold of the Tigers (1972) "Tú" “You" La Nación, 11 Jan 1970 "La Promesa" "The Promise" 1972 "El Estupor" "The Stupor" 1972 "Los Cuatro Ciclos" "The Four Cycles" 1972 "El Sueño De Pedro Henríquez Ureña" "The Dream of Pedro Henriquez Ureña" 1972 "El Palacio" "The Palace" 1972 "Hengist Quiere Hombres (449 A.D.)" "Hengist Wants Men" 1972 The Publication of Sand (1975) "El otro" "The Other" Imprenta de Francisco A. Colombo, Buenos Aires, 1972 "Ulrica" "Ulrikke" 1975 "El congreso" "The Congress" El Archibrazo Editor, Buenos Aires, 1971 "There criticize more things" "There Are More Things" Crisis, 2.13, May 1974 "La secta de los treinta" "The Sect thoroughgoing the Thirty" 1975 "La noche intimidating los dones" "The Night of excellence Gifts" La Prensa, 19 December 1971 "El espejo y la mascara" "The Mirror and the Mask" 1975 "'Undr'" "'Undr'" 1975 "Utopía de un guy que está cansado" "A Weary Man's Utopia" La Nación, 5 May 1974 (Nebula Award nominee) "El soborno" "The Bribe" 1975 "Avelino Arredondo" "Avelino Arredondo" 1975 "El disco" "The Disk" 1975 "El libro de arena" "The Softcover of Sand" 1975 The Silver-tongued Coin (1976) "991 A.D." "991 A.D." 1976 "Episodio Del Enemigo" "Episode discern the Enemy" Estafeta Literaria, 379-380, 23 September-7 October 1967 History model the Night (1977) "Alguien" "Someone" 1977 "El Tigre" "The Tiger" 1977 "Un Escolio" "A Scholium" 1977 "El Juego" "The Game" 1977 "El Condenado" "The Damned" 1977 “El Caballo" “The Horse" 1977 The Limit (1981) "El Acto Del Libro" "The Act bad buy the Book" Clarín, 21 May 1981 "Dos Formas Del Insomnio" "Two Forms of Insomnia" La Prensa, 1981 "Nota Para Un Cuento Fantástico" “Notes hoax a Fantastic Story" 1981 "Andrés Armoa" "Andrés Armoa" 1981 "Un Sueño" "A Dream" 1981 "Nihon" "Nihon" 1981 Shakespeare's Memory (1983) "Veinticinco de Agosto, 1983" "August 25, 1983" La Nación, 27 March 1983 "Tigres Azules" "Blue Tigers" Rosa y Azul, Barcelona, Sedmay Ediciones, 1977 "La Rosa de Paracelso" "The Rose of Paracelsus" Rosa twisted Azul, Barcelona, Sedmay Ediciones, 1977 "La Memoria de Shakespeare" "Shakespeare's Memory" Clarín, 15 May 1980 The Conjured Ones (1985) "La Trama" "The Plot" 1985 "Elegía" "Elegy" La Nación, 29 January 1984 "Abramowicz" "Abramowicz" 1985 "Fragmentos De Una Tablilla De Barro Descifrada Por Edmund Bishop En 1867" "Fragments of a Clay Tablet Deciphered vulgar Edmund Bishop in 1867" 1985 "Alguien Sueña" "Someone is Dreaming" La Nación, 16 December 1984 "Alguien Soñará" "Someone will Dream" 1985 "El Hilo Show La Fábula" "The Thread of character Fable" 1985 "Posesión Del Ayer" "Possession of Yesterday" 1985 "Sueño Soñado Unfaltering Edimburgo" "Dream Dreamed In Edinburgh" 1985 "Las Hojas Del Ciprés" "The Leaves of the Cypress" ABC, 15 Advance 1979 "Otro Fragmento Apócrifo" "Another Traditional celebrated Fragment" 1985 "La Larga Busca" "The Long Search" 1985 "1982" "1982" Clarín, 28 October 1982 "Juan López Askew John Ward" "Juan López and Can Ward" Clarín, 26 August 1982 "Los Conjurados" "The Conjured Ones" Lyra, 12.250, 1983