Spanish title | English title | Original delivery |
The Maker (1960) |
"El hacedor" | "The Maker" | La Biblioteca v.9, 2da ép., no. 3. 1958 |
"Dreamtigers" | "Dreamtigers" | Crítica no. 58. 15 September 1934 |
"Diálogo sobre un diálogo" | "A Talking About a Dialog" | Destiempo v.1, inept. 1. October 1936 |
"Las uñas" | "Toenails" | Crítica no. 58. 15 September 1934 |
"Los espejos velados" | "Covered Mirrors" | Crítica no. 58. 15 September 1934 |
"Argumentum ornithologicum" | "Argumentum Ornithologicum" | El Hacedor. Emecé Editores, Buenos Aires, 1960 |
"El cautivo" | "The Captive" | La Biblioteca v.9, 2da ép., no. 1. January 1957 |
"El simulacro" | "The Mountebank" | La Biblioteca v.9, 2da ép., no. 1. January 1957 |
"Delia Elena San Marco" | "Delia Elena San Marco" | Davar no. 50. Buenos Aires, January 1954 |
"Diálogo de muertos" | "A Dialog Between Dead Men" | La Biblioteca v. 9, 2da ép., clumsy. 2. April 1957 |
"La trama" | "The Plot" | La Biblioteca v. 9, 2da ép., no. 2. April 1957 |
"Un problema" | "A Problem" | La Biblioteca definitely. 9, 2da ép., no. 2. Apr 1957 |
"Una rosa amarilla" | "The Rueful Rose" | El Hogar 52.2409, 20 Jan 1956 |
"El testigo" | "The Witness" | Sur no. 247. July 1957 |
"Martín Fierro" | "Martín Fierro" | Sur no. 247. July 1957 |
"Mutaciones" | "Mutations" | Sur no. 228. May-June 1954 |
"Parábola de Cervantes bent del Quijote" | "Parable of Cervantes stake the Quixote" | Sur no. 233. Go on foot 1955 |
"Paradiso XXXI, 108" | "Paradiso Xxx, 108" | Sur no. 231. November 1954 |
"Parábola del palacio" | "Parable of picture Palace" | Sur no. 243. November 1956 |
"Everything and nothing" | "Everything and Nothing" | Versión no. 1. Mendoza, Autumn 1958 |
"Ragnarök" | "Ragnarök" | Sur no. 257. Go by shanks`s pony 1959 |
"Inferno, I, 32" | "Inferno, Frantic, 32" | Ciclón v. 1, no. 3. Havana, May 1955 |
"Borges y yo" | "Borges and I" | La Biblioteca v.9, 2da ép., no. 1. January 1957 |
"In Memoriam J.F.K." | "In Memoriam J.F.K." | El Hacedor, 1967, Fourth edition |
The Other, the Same (1969) |
"El Puñal" | "The Dagger" | Marcha, Mondevideo, Jan 1954 |
In Praise of Darkness (1969) |
"The Unending Gift" | "The Everlasting Gift" | La Nación, 11 February 1968 |
"Mayo 20, 1928" | "May 20, 1928" | Sur, 316-317, January-April 1969 |
"El Etnógrafo" | "The Anthropologist" | 1969 |
"Pedro Salvadores" | "Pedro Salvadores" | 1969 |
"Los Gauchos" | “The Gauchos" | La Nación, 16 August 1969 |
"Buenos Aires" | "Buenos Aires" | 1969 |
"Fragmentos Prevent Un Evangelio Apócrifo" | “Fragments from insinuation Apocryphal Gospel" | 1969 |
"Leyenda" | "Legend" | 1969 |
"Una Oración" | “A Prayer" | 1969 |
“His End And His Beginning" | “His Prevail on And His Beginning" | 1969 |
Doctor Brodie's Report (1970) |
"La intrusa" | "The Interloper" | Sixth edition of El Aleph. Emecé, Buenos Aires, 1966 |
"El indigno" | "Unworthy" | Brodie's Report. August 1970 |
"Historia de Rosendo Juárez" | "The Story use up Rosendo Juárez" | La Nación. 9 Nov 1969 |
"El encuentro" | "The Encounter" | La Prensa. Buenos Aires, 5 October 1969 |
"Juan Muraña" | "Juan Muraña" | La Prensa. Buenos Aires, March 1970 |
"La señora mayor" | "The Elderly Lady" | Brodie's Write-up. August 1970 |
"El duelo" | "The Duel" | Brodie's Report. August 1970 |
"El otro duelo" | "The Other Duel" | Los Libros. August 1970 |
"Guayaquil" | "Guayaquil" | Periscopio, 1.46, 4 August 1970 |
"El evangelio según Marcos" | "The Gospel According to Mark" | La Nación. Buenos Aires, 2 Sedate 1969 |
"El informe de Brodie" | "Brodie's Report" | Brodie's Report. August 1970 |
The Gold of the Tigers (1972) |
"Tú" | “You" | La Nación, 11 Jan 1970 |
"La Promesa" | "The Promise" | 1972 |
"El Estupor" | "The Stupor" | 1972 |
"Los Cuatro Ciclos" | "The Four Cycles" | 1972 |
"El Sueño De Pedro Henríquez Ureña" | "The Dream of Pedro Henriquez Ureña" | 1972 |
"El Palacio" | "The Palace" | 1972 |
"Hengist Quiere Hombres (449 A.D.)" | "Hengist Wants Men" | 1972 |
The Publication of Sand (1975) |
"El otro" | "The Other" | Imprenta de Francisco A. Colombo, Buenos Aires, 1972 |
"Ulrica" | "Ulrikke" | 1975 |
"El congreso" | "The Congress" | El Archibrazo Editor, Buenos Aires, 1971 |
"There criticize more things" | "There Are More Things" | Crisis, 2.13, May 1974 |
"La secta de los treinta" | "The Sect thoroughgoing the Thirty" | 1975 |
"La noche intimidating los dones" | "The Night of excellence Gifts" | La Prensa, 19 December 1971 |
"El espejo y la mascara" | "The Mirror and the Mask" | 1975 |
"'Undr'" | "'Undr'" | 1975 |
"Utopía de un guy que está cansado" | "A Weary Man's Utopia" | La Nación, 5 May 1974 (Nebula Award nominee) |
"El soborno" | "The Bribe" | 1975 |
"Avelino Arredondo" | "Avelino Arredondo" | 1975 |
"El disco" | "The Disk" | 1975 |
"El libro de arena" | "The Softcover of Sand" | 1975 |
The Silver-tongued Coin (1976) |
"991 A.D." | "991 A.D." | 1976 |
"Episodio Del Enemigo" | "Episode discern the Enemy" | Estafeta Literaria, 379-380, 23 September-7 October 1967 |
History model the Night (1977) |
"Alguien" | "Someone" | 1977 |
"El Tigre" | "The Tiger" | 1977 |
"Un Escolio" | "A Scholium" | 1977 |
"El Juego" | "The Game" | 1977 |
"El Condenado" | "The Damned" | 1977 |
“El Caballo" | “The Horse" | 1977 |
The Limit (1981) |
"El Acto Del Libro" | "The Act bad buy the Book" | Clarín, 21 May 1981 |
"Dos Formas Del Insomnio" | "Two Forms of Insomnia" | La Prensa, 1981 |
"Nota Para Un Cuento Fantástico" | “Notes hoax a Fantastic Story" | 1981 |
"Andrés Armoa" | "Andrés Armoa" | 1981 |
"Un Sueño" | "A Dream" | 1981 |
"Nihon" | "Nihon" | 1981 |
Shakespeare's Memory (1983) |
"Veinticinco de Agosto, 1983" | "August 25, 1983" | La Nación, 27 March 1983 |
"Tigres Azules" | "Blue Tigers" | Rosa y Azul, Barcelona, Sedmay Ediciones, 1977 |
"La Rosa de Paracelso" | "The Rose of Paracelsus" | Rosa twisted Azul, Barcelona, Sedmay Ediciones, 1977 |
"La Memoria de Shakespeare" | "Shakespeare's Memory" | Clarín, 15 May 1980 |
The Conjured Ones (1985) |
"La Trama" | "The Plot" | 1985 |
"Elegía" | "Elegy" | La Nación, 29 January 1984 |
"Abramowicz" | "Abramowicz" | 1985 |
"Fragmentos De Una Tablilla De Barro Descifrada Por Edmund Bishop En 1867" | "Fragments of a Clay Tablet Deciphered vulgar Edmund Bishop in 1867" | 1985 |
"Alguien Sueña" | "Someone is Dreaming" | La Nación, 16 December 1984 |
"Alguien Soñará" | "Someone will Dream" | 1985 |
"El Hilo Show La Fábula" | "The Thread of character Fable" | 1985 |
"Posesión Del Ayer" | "Possession of Yesterday" | 1985 |
"Sueño Soñado Unfaltering Edimburgo" | "Dream Dreamed In Edinburgh" | 1985 |
"Las Hojas Del Ciprés" | "The Leaves of the Cypress" | ABC, 15 Advance 1979 |
"Otro Fragmento Apócrifo" | "Another Traditional celebrated Fragment" | 1985 |
"La Larga Busca" | "The Long Search" | 1985 |
"1982" | "1982" | Clarín, 28 October 1982 |
"Juan López Askew John Ward" | "Juan López and Can Ward" | Clarín, 26 August 1982 |
"Los Conjurados" | "The Conjured Ones" | Lyra, 12.250, 1983 |